다음은 얼마전에
있었던 외교부 박장호 심의관과 DCAF의 Karki Rohit
(Senior Project Officer, Asia-Pacific Unit)과의 회의 결과 내용입니다. 회의 주된 관심 논의 사항은 한국의 UNSC, ECOSOC, 그리고 2024-25년
유엔 인권 위원회 회원국 선출과 관련하여 외교부와 DCAF간의 협력 방안에 관한 것이었습니다. 주요한 토론 내용은 다음과 같습니다.
Potential follow up & entry points
for collaboration between ROK MOFA and DCAF
WPS/Elsie Initiative
· DCAF’s engagement in the Elsie Initiative continues, and we would be
delighted and keen to explore opportunities for collaboration within that
framework with ROK. With the number of countries having undergone MOWIP
assessments, measuring opportunities, and barriers, to women’s participation in
UN peace operations, findings and recommendations need to be brought to
relevant international fora for the development of adequate policy
frameworks. There are also
further research and knowledge gaps that need to be filled, and countries that have
undergone MOWIP assessments will now start developing and implementing action
plans based on the MOWIP recommendations. We were pleased to learn that ROK is
providing funding to the UN Elsie Initiative Fund; DCAF Elsie Helpdesk provides
support to TPCCs seeking support from the Fund; there is thus a close
interlinkage between DACF’s Elsie work and the Fund.
· In addition to collaboration within the
Elsie Initiative framework, we would be very interested in exploring possible
collaboration around other themes of the WPS Agenda as well, including in
relation to CRSV, as was discussed briefly. DCAF’s Gender and Security Division will follow up directly with him
on some of these ideas, including with regards to the planned seminar at which
ROK will show the Sara story video.
UNSC and other UN Bodies
· DCAF support to ROK in their work in
the UNSC and other
seats of UN bodies on SSR/G. This could include identifying and defining aspects of
the WPS Agenda, including in relation to women in peacekeeping and
peacebuilding, as well as help build the narrative on how SDG 16 can be discussed in the different
UN bodies ROK will be a member of to highlight the various aspects and angles
from which SSR/G is key in promoting peace and security, development and human
rights. DCAF has a dedicated project on SDG16, and we would be most happy to support
Mr. Park office further in their activities related to the 2030 Agenda, especially SDG16 (e.g. as he mentioned, RoK’s
membership of the UN Group of Friends on SDG16). More broadly, we emphasize
that UN-DCAF cooperation would benefit from having a clearly set
operational modality, especially for support to national partners (governments,
but also civil society).
Asia-Pacific region
· From an Asia-Pacific perspective, the potential entry points for
collaboration between ROK and DCAF will be in the area of emerging security challenges. This will particularly focus on
maritime SSG, cybersecurity governance, health security, and climate security.
We highlighted that we have been engaging with these issues with our East Asian
partners and stakeholders (including South Korea) through online workshops,
Forums, joint-research work and publication, and webinars. In
addition to this, I have also emphasized DCAF/APU’s partnership with the
International Policy Studies Institute of Korea (IpsiKor), and our close
cooperation with you which might be helpful in case of future collaboration
with Asia-Pacific and ROK. Mr. Jang was appreciated your support to his office
and was keen to know DCAF’s work in East Asia. I hope you could follow up with
Mr. Jang and his office for potential collaboration which would be beneficial
for APU Unit especially working on emerging security challenges issues in East
Asia but also in Southeast Asia, pacific or South Asia.
Transition in the context of UN mission
drawn down
· Importance of transition and attention to be given to these
settings: DCAF could support research and identification of lessons learned as
well as strategic thinking about new emerging challenges and context where the
transition is both related to UN mission drawdown, but also political
transition and what does that mean for SSR/G engagement
Parliamentary capacity building
· DCAF has a long-standing record in supporting parliaments in their constitutional role to
oversee the security sector, with a focus on developing knowledge products as
well as assisting parliaments as part of agreements with countries concerned.
The library of the National Assembly of ROK has translated a few key DCAF
publications into Korean (on their request) and some of these publications are
stored within the NAROK’s library, both DCAF’s corporate products (e.g.
performance reports) as well as specific products targeting parliaments (e.g.
on parliamentary oversight of the security sector). Furthermore, DCAF conducted
initial discussions with NAROK members/committees to develop up-to-date
knowledge products on parliamentary oversight of the security sector, which
parliaments across the world could use as a reference guide. NAROK was very
much interested in further cooperation. Such a project will be developed and
implemented together with the Inter-Parliamentary Union.